Shocking News: Could Janelle Brown Take Legal Action Against Kody Over Coyote Pass Investment?

Janelle Brown believes the Coyote Pass property should be divided equally and insists on getting a professional appraisal to ensure a fair distribution.
Meri Brown disagrees with Kody’s plan to split the property unevenly and asserts that she deserves a share based on her financial contributions to Coyote Pass.
Both Janelle and Meri are justified in demanding a fair share of the land, as they have valid reasons and contributions to the family that should be considered.

In 2018, Kody and his four wives got Coyote Pass land in Arizona. Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out well for the Browns. In a recent preview of Sister Wives by ET, Kody proposed dividing the land since everyone was splitting up. He shared that Christine had traded her piece of land with him, so he and Robyn deserved 8 acres worth of lots, while 4 acres go to Janelle and 2 acres to Meri.

However, Janelle claimed the property must be divided equally. She said, “there’s 14 acers, Like I think it’s time we have a real a appraisal.” She shared that the family needs a professional to help them decide how to divide the land fairly.

Meri Brown Doesn’t Think Kody’s Coyote Pass Decisions Are “Fair”

Meri also wasn’t too keen on Kody’s plan. In the preview, she was unhappy and didn’t think Kody’s idea to split the property unevenly was acceptable. The single mom said, “it seems like he has already made the decision and I don’t think that is fair.” Meri claimed that while she didn’t have a strong relationship with Kody for nearly a decade, that doesn’t mean she only gets 2 acres out of the 14-acre land. She claimed that she financially contributed to Coyote Pass and deserved to have “some of the property.”

Janelle is right to call out Kody and demand a rightful split of Coyote Pass. While she hasn’t been on the same page with fellow sister wife, Meri, she’s mature enough to know that every party involved with the property deserves a justified share. Kody is infamous for his narcissism and only thinks about himself. With the ongoing splits, he wants to claim the biggest portion by making excuses. Janelle knows Kody too well and has lived nearly three decades with him. She understands that only an appraiser can put her former husband in his place.

Like Janelle, Meri isn’t wrong to ask for a fair share in Coyote Pass land as she has been helping the Brown family financially. She is right to stand her ground and let Kody know that he can’t decide who is or isn’t worthy of getting the major part of the land. Meri may not have had an intimate relationship with her husband for years but should get a fair portion of the pie, just Robyn and Janelle. Hopefully, the Sister Wives star will involve a smart lawyer in the land dispute to get what she deserves and teach Kody a lesson.

Sister Wives
Summary: Sister Wives follows the brown family, which observes polygamist practices. Headed by Kody Brown as the father, he and his four wives and their 18 children have moved across the United States, from Utah to Nevada and Arizona. Kody and his wives have secret marriages, as polygamy is illegal. Still, the show follows the family as it covers the trials and tribulations of four wives that split their familial duties of themselves amongst one husband and eighteen children. The children themselves are a significant focus of Sister Wives, as it also focuses on the challenges the children face due to their home life. Sister Wives attempts to dispel negative stereotypes around polygamy, as it aired around 2010 when the general public commonly discussed the topic in the United States. The four Brown wives agreed to participate in the show to accomplish this goal, and TLC continues to chronicle the family’s life over a decade later.